Lucas Adams
I love this game. It's simple, but not easy. As you make achievements and unlock more powers the game gains in interest and there are so many ways to equip your hoplite and strategies you can employ. I bought this game years ago for $3 and it was well worth it. It's difficult enough I still haven't unlocked all the skills/powers but I'm working on it. I occasionally have to uninstall the game because I find it so addictive. If you like strategy, you'll love this game.
5 people found this review helpful

Zach Zweibach
You should play it. The mechanics are easy to understand, difficulty is just right, achievements are achievable and the upgrades they unlock are well thought out, the sound design is great, the pixel art are solid, and I haven't had any bugs. Best of all, the game is FREE with no ads! This is genuinely an amazing game. If all mobile games were like this, I wouldn't need to game on PC.
20 people found this review helpful

I wrote my first review for this game 5 years ago. This is the only phone game I've ever kept this long, its truly a masterpiece. I got the last achievement a few years back and its still entertaining to try and get deeper on quest mode. My record is lvl 50 and I'm still learning improvements to the strategy. The rules are simple but the strategies are incredibly deep. One cheap IAP to get rid of ads forever, huge replayability, just download it.
6 people found this review helpful